Tuesday 13 May 2008

some swongs

Day after last post I dropped 600-700$ just running bad, then had a frustrating sunday, though I didn't lose much. Had a good day today though, won a $60 45 man, and some other cashes, which nearly made it back - just down a few hundred now.

Sunday was annoying though, felt like I turned a corner in my mtt game, but then didn't really 'feel it' on sunday, bust out of loads early with undersets, big pairs, etc, and just didn't get rolling. Didn't play all that badly...but not that well either. Plus I have this bad habit of it I only have a few cheap games left I just go nuts to try and bust or accumulate a huge stack - I get bored basically. Not really sure how to combat this...

Anways, today was good. Positive mental attitude!!

FT: $-
PP/rileys: $250
Stars: $2800

2008 total: $12,800
Grand total (since 01/03/07): $43,400

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